OEFC is home to the very best coaches in Oklahoma as well as across our nation. We are honored to have great talent within our organization. To meet our coaches, please click on their name below. Alexis Vizarelis avizarelis@okenergyfc.org Alfredo Hernandez ahernandez@okenergyfc.org Allan Sorato asoratto@okenergyfc.org Alissa Jones ajones@okenergyfc.org Amel Muhamedagic amuhamedagic@okenergyfc.org Andi Phillips aphillips@okenergyfc.org Anthony Yousey ayousey@okenergyfc.org Artur Gomes agomes@okenergyfc.org Ben Langford blangford@okenergyfc.org Billy Martin bmartin@okenergyfc.org Bryan Byars bbyars@okenergyfc.org Caitlin Radford cradford@okenergyfc.org Caleb Simmons csimmons@okenergyfc.org Callum Tucker ctucker@okenergyfc.org Cesar Egas cegas@okenergyfc.org Chris Waugh cwaugh@okenergyfc.org Conner Owen cowen@okenergyfc.org Danny Gibson dgibson@okenergyfc.org Danny Roberts droberts@okenergyfc.org Dax Hampton dhampton@okenergyfc.org Drew Swadley dswadley@okenergyfc.org Gary Boreham gboreham@okenergyfc.org George Smith gsmith@okenergyfc.org Harvey Paul hpaul@okenergyfc.org Igbinosa Isere iisere@okenergyfc.org Ike Emegano iemegano@okenergyfc.org Jake Kurey jkurey@okenergyfc.org Jason Miller jmiller@okenergyfc.org Jimmy Nielsen jnielsen@okenergyfc.org Joe Peeler jpeeler@okenergyfc.org Joep Claassen jclaassen@okenergyfc.org Joey Garcia jgarcia@okenergyfc.org John Gardner jgardner@okenergyfc.org John Langford jlangford@okenergyfc.org Jovan Petrovic jpetrovic@okenergyfc.org Kal Okot kokot@okenergyfc.org Keith Cole kcole@okenergyfc.org Lindsay Bartlett lbartlett@okenergyfc.org Liz Lane-Harvard lharvard@okenergyfc.org Llewellyn Evans levans@okenergyfc.org Mark Howard mhoward@okenergyfc.org Matheus Mantovani mmantovani@okenergyfc.org Matt Bray mbray@okenergyfc.org Matt Fansher mfansher@okenergyfc.org Michael Moritz mmoritz@okenergyfc.org Michael Shanahan mshanahan@okenergyfc.org Neil Hilton nhilton@okenergyfc.org Nikko Cakarevic ncakarevic@okenergyfc.org Nour Bensaoud nbensaoud@okenergyfc.org Paige LaBadie plabadie@okenergyfc.org Patrick Byers pbyers@okenergyfc.org Paul Brash pbrash@okenergyfc.org Paulo Lopez plopez@okenergyfc.org Ray Clark rclark@okenergyfc.org Raymond Daniel rdaniel@okenergyfc.org Roger Peron rperon@okenergyfc.org Sally Schmidt sschmidt@okenergyfc.org Seny Gueye sgueye@okenergyfc.org Stephen Phillips sphillips@okenergyfc.org Tommy Hubbard thubbard@okenergyfc.org Tommy Riley triley@okenergyfc.org Back to OEFC Teams View Follow OEFC on Social Media to Follow Our Players & Coaches Follow Follow Follow