OEFC Community Scholarship Program has been established for Individual Businesses and Members of our Community to provide financial support for players within Oklahoma Energy FC based on criteria important to the Club and Community Donors.OEFC Community Scholarship Fund will award a scholarship to an Oklahoma Energy FC player, male or female, who is participating as a player in the Oklahoma Energy FC program for the 2024-2025 Soccer Season.
Applicants for the OEFC Community Scholarship must be: • An athlete in Oklahoma Energy FC registered in the following current year OEFC Club Registrations –ECNL, ECRL, Pre-ECNL/RL, or General Membership programs.
The recipient of the scholarship, as selected by the Scholarship Committee, will receive a $1,250 scholarship.
Interested students must complete the application and submit it, via the OEFC Community Scholarships Online. Applicants are responsible for gathering and submitting all necessary information. Instructions for completing the application and essay are included. Applications are evaluated on the information supplied; therefore, answer all questions as completely as possible. Incomplete applications will not be evaluated. All information received is considered confidential and is reviewed only by the Scholarship Committee.
Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of academic record, demonstrated leadership within OEFC, participation in community activities, submitted essays, and unusual personal or family circumstances. Recipients are responsible for notifying the Scholarship Committee of any changes in address or OEFC enrollment after they have been notified of award.
The OEFC Community Scholarship Fund will pay scholarships directly to the OEFC program the recipient is enrolled in as follows: $900.00 towards Player Dues and $350.00 towards Player Uniforms or Team Fees. Verification of enrollment at the start of the Fall Season and at the start of the Spring Season is required.

Community Members and Companies who are interested in joining the Community Scholarship Program and supporting a player, please reach out to Admin@okenergyfc.org for more information.